Our lab has devoted considerable time to building and characterizing several specialized stimulus sets that we use in our research. While collection and publication is still currently ongoing for some of these projects, we look forward to making these full sets publically available. In the meantime, we offer some sample sets below. If you are interested in receiving more information about any of the stimuli described, please email the lab at mendesiedlecki.lab@gmail.com!
The Delaware Pain database
The Delaware Pain Database is a fully characterized, diverse series of photographs of 127 female and 113 male identified targets with an emphasis on painful and neutral expressions. The database is comprised of 229 publicly available unique painful expressions from 240 individual targets. While the prompts used to generate these expressions were focused on painful experiences, many of these expressions were ultimately rated as resembling other emotions (e.g., anger, fear, happiness), and could be used as such. All targets and expressions have been normed by an independent sample across a variety of relevant dimensions.
In addition to our primary database, we provide a separate database of computer-rendered expressions of pain that may be applied to any neutral face photograph, as well as computer rendered images of expressions of pain using photographs from our primary database. All information regarding norming, production, and development of the database may be found in the files herein.
Comprehensive Database of Social Behaviors
We are currently developing a ~1500-item database of sentences describing social behaviors, which will each be normed on valence, arousal, perceived frequency, moral relevance, and perceived stereotypicality (in terms of race, gender, class, and ideology). To be contacted once these stimuli are available, please email mendesiedlecki.lab@gmail.com.
At present, we have a smaller database available for download, comprising 456 behaviors characterized in terms of valence, arousal, perceived frequency, moral relevance, which you can download here.